GM Assignment July
~ Rishitha, 3rd Sem
I have been given the following Assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data.
QUESTION 1 (Peer to Peer Review)
I have reviewed roll no.37’s blog.
Overall, there had been a misperception of the first question and hence the answer presentation was differently done by the peer. I have reviewed it accordingly.
Quantitative assessment : 7/10
Qualitative assessment :
- Good pictorial representation for easy understanding.
- Must have used bullet points to make it less clumpsier.
- The answer must have been more presentable.
- The case summary has been well explained.
- Easy flow of language and information too.
- Theoretical analysis might been elaborated
- Pictorial representation of diagnosis is good.
- Summary of the case hasn’t been properly elaborated.
- Must have been more precise about his concern towards the list of drugs.
- Unclear summary.
- Must have been precise about the diagnosis.
- Elaborated representation on lab tests is impressive.
- Theoretical analysis is missing.
- Unclear review about the given treatment.
- Provided information was clear and precise.
- Pictorial representation of symptoms is appreciated.
- Provided information was clear.
- In addition, easy to understand.
- Diagnosis must have been emphasised accordingly.
- Summary is well explained
- Flow charts and pictures would have been helpful to understand.
- Summary of the case is clear and easy to understand.
- Differential diagnosis of the case hasn’t been emphasised.
- Timeline and detailing has been clear.
- Improper emphasis on findings and follow up treatment.
The Case report (tap here) reveals about a 57 year old man complaining of burning sensation all over the body which has been diagnosed as Neuropathic Pain post febrile illness due to infection from chikungunya.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound, as patient is completely deindentified
- History of present illness is clear
- Treatment list is properly emphasised
- Personal history is missing.
- AKD is associated with alcohol and tobacco abuse which isnt listed.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound, as the patient is deidentified.
- History taking is very clear and precise.
- Update on follow up treatment is appreciative
- I could not find any factors to improve upon in this case report.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- History taking is clear
- Details on investigations ordered are precise and clear
- Input of information is unorganised.
- Case sheet is ethically sound
- History taking is clear
- Input of information is organised
- Title of the blog can be improved
- Personal history absent
- Case sheet is ethically sound and novel.
- Input of information is properly organised for easy flow of understanding.
- CBP and Bacterial sensitivity tests done to rule out infection causing hepatic encephalopathy.
- Follow up treatment listed is appreciative.
- I could not find any factors to improve upon in this case report.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- Title of the blog is justifying.
- Detailed and precise input of information in an organised way.
- Language is free flowing and easy to understand.
- Periodic updates on lab investigations is appreciated.
- Non contrast CT KUB in approaching provisional diagnosis
- I could not find any factors to improve upon in this case report.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound
- Detailed history taking and processed it in a quite organised manner.
- Periodic and sequential input of lab investigations.
- Pulmonary Function Test to rule out Respiratory complications.
- No pictures demonstrating edema of feet as mentioned in general examination.
- Treatment history not mentioned
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- Pictorial representation of patients signs and symptoms is emphasised.
- Periodic input of investigations ordered.
- Could have made it in a more organised manner making it easier to understand and free flowing.
- Systematic input of information following the investigation would be helpful.
- No treatment history and personal history mentioned.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- Title of the blog is justifying.
- Detailed pictoral information on patient’s General examination results.
- Periodic update on given treatment and consecutive results.
- I could not find any factors to improve upon in this case report.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- History taking is consistent and clear.
- Title of the case is justifying.
- Periodic input of investigations ordered, treatment given and coresponding results.
- Pictures demonstrating b/l edema of feet are absent.
- No pictures demonstrating pallor either.
- Case sheet is novel and ethically sound.
- Summary at the end is helpful
- Periodic updates on treatment is clear.
- Pictures demonstrating distended abdomen, pedel edema are absent.
- Information is disorganised making it unclear.
- In patients with chronic kidney disease, development of thrombocytopenia can pose additional problems because an increased risk of arterial and venous thrombosis associated with the kidney disease has to be balanced with the increased risk of bleeding from the low platelet count.
- In addition, patients with chronic renal impairment have asso- ciated platelet dysfunction, which enhances the bleeding risk.
- Erythropoietin, the primary regulator of red cell production, has been shown to improve platelet production and function in experimental studies.
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