
Showing posts from January, 2022

Clinical Problem Solving- January 2022

E LOG MEDICINE — CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING I have reviewed one of the following E logged cases , made by  Dr. P. Rashmitha, for a ‘ Clinical problem solving’ conference Briefing up the case and the discussion,   A 55 year old male, shepherd by occupation, presented to the OPD with the chief complaints of fever (on and off), loss of appetite, headache, body pains, generalised weakness since 2 months, cough since 2 weeks and vomitings and pain in abdomen since 2 days, had  got to be diagnosed as Multiple Myeloma. Q1) C ritical appraisal of the captured data in terms of completeness, correctness and ability to provide useful leads to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties.   — Quantitative assessment : 7/10 — Qualitative assessment :  Title must have been more elaborative Must have used bullet points to make it less clumpsier. Positives Case sheet is novel and ethically sound. Detailed and consistent his