
Showing posts from October, 2023

60 Yr Old Male with Fever.

  E LOG GENERAL MEDICINE Hi, I am Rishitha, 5th Sem Medical Student.  This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's consent . This also reflects patient centered care and online learning portfolio. This E-log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and of course, your valuable inputs and feedbacks are most welcome through the comments box provided at the very end. HAPPY READING! Chief complaints: Fever since 1 day  Cough since 1 day  Vomiting since today morning  HOPI  pt was apparently asymptomatic then he developed fever which is of high grade intermittent a/w chills and rigor, vomitings (non projectile non bilious watery filled with food particles No c/o pain abdomen cold loose stools burning Micturition Past history :  N/k/c/o HTN , DM , thyroid epilepsy asthma CAD CVD H/o pneumonia? 3 months back  General examination  Pt is conscious coherent cooperative  No pallor icterus cyanosis clubbing

58 Yr Old Male presenting with burning micturition

E LOG GENERAL MEDICINE Hi, I am Rishitha, 5th Sem Medical Student.  This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's consent . This also reflects patient centered care and online learning portfolio. This E-log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and of course, your valuable inputs and feedbacks are most welcome through the comments box provided at the very end. HAPPY READING ! CASE SHEET   58 year old male patient brought to casualty with chief complaints of SOB since 15 Fever since 15 days Burning micturition since 15 days HOPI : He was apparently a symptomatic six months back And then develop lower back and abdominal pain for which he was taken to a local practitioner where the diagnosed it as a renal failure and patient has taken a conservative management for three months and then patient has stopped taking medication. Then two months back, he developed swelling in the both lower limbs, whic

40 Yr old Male presenting with loin pain

  Chief Complaints: Bilateral loin pain since 3days. History Of Presenting Illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7days back then he sustained snake bite (with Russell viper) on left ring finger while working in the fields,visited local hospital and managed symptomatically.  C/O bilateral loin pain,insidious in onset ,intermittent,gradually progressive,pricking type ,non radiating,aggravates on lying down. C/O low grade fever,Nausea and vomiting,bloating. N/C/O Burning Micturation,decreased or increased urine output. N/C/O cough,cold,body aches,chest pain. Past History: N/k/c/o diabetes HTN,Epilepsy,Tuberculosis,CAD,CVA Personal History: Diet : Mixed  Appetite : Normal Sleep : Normal Bowel and bladder moments :Regular  Addictions: chronic alcoholic since 20years. Tobacco smoking since 20years. Family History : Not significant  General physical examination: Patient is conscious ,coherent,cooperative and well oriented to time, place and person. Well built and nourished. Pallor: abs